WP7 – Communication and dissemination
WP7 focuses on designing and coordinating all communication and dissemination activities of the project, promoting the synergies both internally (within WP’s activities) and externally with other key networks, especially the EIP-AGRI network and its Service Point. Indeed, networking and communication is an essential part of peer-to-peer learning and communication aspects will be considered through all the project activities.
The premises are to add value to the activities and the data collected as well as to catalyze and look for synergies when possible instead of duplicating efforts.
The objectives are:
(1) Provide tools and guidance for communication with stakeholders, namely farmers and intermediaries, for actions of all WPs.
(2) Promote synergies between project activities and other AKIS platforms at EU level, especially the EIP-AGRI and its networking facility (EIP-AGRI Service Point)
(3) Provide support to farms engaging in demonstration activities to disseminate their actions and enlarge their impact and networking opportunities with other farms.
(4) Disseminate main project results and relevant data collected, especially the geo-referenced inventory of demonstration farms and their demonstration activities and principles of best practice approaches with respect to learning outcomes in demonstration farms and their networks.