The 5th General meeting of Agridemo-F2F will take place in Nantes (France) on the 23rd and 24th of January 2019. It will be kindly hosted by the Association des Chambres d’agriculture de l’Arc Atlantique (AC3A).

Apart from setting the roadmap for the last months of the project, Agridemo-f2f partners are expected to work out the main results of the project, including scientific and practical findings and outcomes. Four are the main issues to address in the meeting.

  • Clearly identify and set the key structural and functional characteristics to enable effective demonstrations (i.e. which effectively support peer to peer learning processes). This will be very much based on the practical approaches and rich stories found out through the long list of case studies deeply analysed by Agridemo-F2F and Plaid along 2018.
  • Based on the previous point, develop AKIS & Policy recommendations to actively support effective on farm demonstration activities. These will be further discussed, together with Plaid project, in two workshops taking place in Italy and the Netherlands in February and April 2019.
  • Advance on the communication plan, aiming at maximizing the impact of the different outcomes of the project. Two will be the main lines of action: target the community effectively involved in on-farm demonstrations -namely farmers, advisers and supportive organisations – and identify people and events that might contribute to the dissemination of the wide range of results.
  • Finally, regarding FarmDemo Hub, after releasing a new version by beginning of January 2019, the partners will discuss the last developments of this tool. Furthermore, after improving the layout, searching options and functionalities during the last months of 2018, Agridemo-F2F will increase the dissemination of FarmDemo Hub within the farming community.