NEFERTITI started on Jan 1st 2018, and will  be combining its efforts, together with AgriDemo-F2F and PLAID, under the name of FarmDemo. The combined aim of these 3 projects is to support and enable on-farm demonstrations as a way to enhance networking, and to promote processes of knowledge exchange between farmers themselves, and between farmers and other actors across Europe.

NEFERTITI was the latest to start on January 1st of this year, as the third project within the FarmDemo cluster. The three FarmDemo projects all focus on the common topic of on-farm demonstrations in Europe. Each project however has its own specific objectives, or accents. AgriDemo-F2F and PLAID have been working first to deepen our understanding of these on-farm demonstration activities, by creating a Europe-wide inventory and by performing in-depth case study analyses of on-farm demonstrations across Europe. These will result in a set of best practical approaches for demonstration activities.

NEFERTITI will work more towards the actual enabling of  demonstrations and interactions between farmers themselves and between farmers and other actors.  NEFERTITI will therefore use the outputs of both PLAID and AgriDemo-F2F, and will use them as input to create 10 interactive thematic networks comprising45 regional clusters (hubs) of demo-farmers and other involved actors. They will cover a balanced range of current themes over the main agricultural sectors: arable farming, livestock and horticulture. Also, a monitoring and learning program supports the systematic extraction of lessons learnt and lessons to be shared with wide audiences including AKIS actors and public authorities. NEFERTITI engages in policy dialogue and network sustainability to ensure that NEFERTITI’s outcomes and achievements feed into and engage policy dialogue.

As such, NEFERTITI is the logical continuation of PLAID and AGRIDEMO and will implement the best practices in the identified EU Demonstration farms in order to boost cross-fertilisation and innovation uptake.

By having this unique combination of 3 well-aligned and complimentary projects, we are convinced that we will actively contribute to the empowerment of both the farming and policy community, by providing access to demonstrations but also to knowledge about how these demonstrations work, and by providing recommendations for AKIS governance and policies on how to support effective on farm demonstration activities.

For more information on NEFERTITI, please visit

For more information on FarmDemo, please visit