The overall aim of AgriDemo-F2F (H2020 funded n°728061) is to enhance
peer-to-peer learning within the commercial farming community. This will be
realized through the following general objectives: i) understanding the role of
European commercial demonstration farms within this AKIS, ii) building on this
understanding, evidence and tools for organizing effective farmer-to-farmer
learning approaches will be synthesized and made available to end users and iii)
opportunities will be identified and supported for strengthening these activities
by the construction of a FarmDemo-Hub community by the project consortium.
Based on an extensive literature review, this report is a first attempt of the
AgriDemo-F2F project to structure insights into peer-to-peer learning through
focusing on the main characteristics of on-farm demonstrations. Although most
literature is currently reporting on the traditional on-farm demonstrations
within extension education programs, we aim at including initiatives led by
farmers or commercial companies. Furthermore, we aim at capturing the most
relevant variables and characteristics of demonstration activities.

These characteristics will be used to build the analytical framework of the
H2020 AgriDemo-F2F. This will guide the AgriDemo-F2F project in its next
steps, e.g. the development of a geo-referenced inventory and a typology of
demonstration farms and activities. This report also provides the theoretical and
analytical basis for tasks in WP3 and WP4 in relation to the case study analysis.
Here the aim is to provide an in-depth analysis on the structural and functional
characteristics of farmer-to-farmer learning approaches, specifically focusing
on actors, roles and governance. As well as to describe, analyse and compare
the mechanism and tools that are being used by the case study demonstration
activities, in terms of recruitment, interaction and learning.

The Analytical Framework
Demonstration Farms as Multi-Purpose Structures, providing Multi-Functional Processes to enhance Peer-to-Peer Learning in the context of innovation for Sustainable Agriculture
Authors: Kotsouris, A., Papa, E., Chiswell, H., Cooreman, H., Debruyne, L., Ingram, J., Marchand, F.

Publications / Deliverables