
Newsletter by Agridemo-F2F periodically informs about advances, activities and results of the project.

Newsletter 5 (June 2019): Get to know and take advantage of the main findings and outputs by AgriDemo-F2F to enhance peer-to-peer learning within the farming community.

Newsletter 4 (March 2019): How to showcase farms and demos at FarmDemo Hub, practice abstracts inspired by the case studies, tips & tricks to organise the perfect demonstration.

Newsletter 3 (October 2018): Effective learning processes, good practices for on-farm demonstrations and FarmDemo Hub FAQs.

Newsletter 2 (July 2018): Outcomes of the FarmDemo inventory (Main figures, country posters and FarmDemo Hub)

Newsletter 1 (February 2018): Framework and overall approach of Agridemo F2F project.

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