Developing effective peer-to-peer learning processes is seen as an important strategy to enable policy to support farming systems in Europe. Thus, one of the objectives of AgriDemo-F2F is to provide indications on what is needed in the actual policy and AKIS systems to better support the learning process on on-farm-demonstrations.
Hence, the final 6 months of AgriDemo-F2F will focus on WP6 on comparison, upscaling and policy & AKIS recommendations. The analysis of selected case studies is contributing to an improved understanding of demonstration activities on commercial farms. By comparing and upscaling these findings (mainly good practices on preparing, carrying and following up of demonstrations), it will be possible to formulate innovative approaches and policy recommendations to boost and improve the on-farm demonstrations.
Regarding this, the first steps have been already taken during the 5th General Meeting of AgriDemo-F2F in Nantes, when the partners started to synthesize best practices and derive general conclusions reaching beyond the individual case studies. As next step, two workshops on this matter will be organised, together with our sister project PLAID.
-First meeting will be in Grosseto (Italy), in connection to the 2nd Annual meeting of the project NEFERTITI, on 26th – 28th February 2019.
-The second workshop on policy recommendations will be held in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (the Netherlands), hosted by ZLTO, on April 2nd.
During these two workshops the findings by AgriDemo-F2F and PLAID will be combined to provide more meaningful conclusions. The whole process will draw a set of best practices, generic and specific, to support the planning of suitable policies for strengthening farmer to farmer learning approaches.