Broadening the network and aligning efforts with the EIP AGRI
On 27th March 2018, Agridemo visited the EIP AGRI Service Point office in Brussels aiming at establishing contact and exploring synergies with the EIP...
FarmDemo supra-regional meeting of Southern countries in Venice
Past 7th February 2018, Agridemo-F2F and Plaid project partners joint for the FarmDemo Supra-regional meeting of Southern countries. Meeting was organised by Plaid Partner...
FarmDemo supra-regional meeting of Eastern countries in Krakow
The next of the planned FarmDemo Supra-regional meetings – for Eastern Europe countries - was organised by Plaid Project and held in Cracow, Poland...
Agridemo-F2F presents collaboration with PLAID and NEFERTITI at 2 cross fertilisation events
"Interactive innovation in action – Multi-Actor projects learning from each other" - 8 March 2018
“The Role of Thematic Networks (TNs) in EU Agricultural Innovation"...
What’s coming for January-June 2018?
Since January team is moving forward and working the to do list agreed in the project meeting celebrated in Vienna. Tasks for the next...
General meeting in Vienna
This meeting will be held in Vienna in January 2018, from 10th to 12th. AGES will be our host.
PLAID and AgridemoF2F invited at the SCAR-Akis-Meeting in Lisbon
It will take place as a side event to the Agricultural innovation summit.
Introducing the project
AgriDemo-F2F is an european project selected for funding under the Horizon 2020 Rural Renaissance call